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Come Home To Your

Own Fiery Awakening

March 23, 2020

Ignite A Fiery Awakening

This New Moon In Aries

It's quiet.


I watch the geese on the lake from my lanai.

The spring breeze sways the palm trees and dances across my skin.

My dog Shakti lies on my belly as I stroke her fluffy, white fur.

I realize...I am home.

Finally home.

Literally home.

And home to myself,

With own essence,

With my connection to life.

Lately, the outside world world makes us feel like the sky is falling, and calls us to the sanctuary of home.

Home, where the heart is...

...And home, to ourselves, our values, to what really matters.

Home with our kids and family...

...And home to our global family.

This virus named "corona", or crown, is changing the structure of our daily lives and forcing us to dance into the unknown where the old structures no longer support us.

The darkness can feel frightening, but it can also be a place of unimagined possibilities.

This Aries new moon marks a new beginning to the zodiac and carries the energy of fire.

🔥Fire that can light up the darkness.

🔥Fire that can warm our hearts and our homes.

🔥Fire that can blaze a new trail and forge new structures.

🔥And Feminine Fire of sovereignty, compassion, tolerance, unity, reflection, healing, harmony, and grace.

May you be blessed sister as you claim your 👑sovereign👑new beginning this new moon!

To help you access this fiery new awakening, I invite you to join me for tomorrow's Aries New Moon Ritual Circle in The Feminine Fire Sisterhood.

This free event is a gift to of support to my community during these unprecedented times. Read more and register below.

Hope to see you by the fire tomorrow!

Gather around the fire sisters as we feel into the energy of Aries, fire and our current state of navigating the unknown.

This is a moon of new beginnings.
Aries, the first sign of the zodiac offers us the chance to claim who we are choosing to be at this time.
During our ritual you will...
🔥Welcome in the energy of Aries and new beginnings
🔥Activate your own inner fire to illuminate the stories that are arising at this unprecedented time and burn away that which does not serve
🔥Connect to your Mythic Essence and the energy of Hestia to envision a new empowering story for the future
🔥Ignite your power by claiming our own "I Am" and being witnessed in sacred sisterhood
🔥Be guided into meditation to receive your guiding intention for this cycle
I offer this sacred circle as gift from my heart to connect and support all of us at this time which can feel isolating and fearful.
If you know another women in need of sisterhood, please invite her to join The Feminine Fire Sisterhood.
Together we can RISE as we awaken and reflect the light of love back to one another, especially in times like these. 🔥❤️🔥

And that's exactly what I'm creating space for all of us to do on Monday, March 23 at 1pm EST

in The Feminine Fire Sisterhood on Facebook!