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Dreams Can

Come True

How My Vision Board

Helped Me Become

A Published Author

September 6, 2017
It's cold outside, the dreary weather a mirror to my own melancholy. As I sit down to write my blog, nothing comes to me except frustration.

"I can't do this anymore."

"It's not worth the energy I put into it."
"This feels like a chore and another thing on my endless to-do list."

That day I decided to quit writing because I write for joy, I write to access my own inner wisdom, I write to share and inspire others. I stopped because I was no longer in integrity with my own joy and purpose.

In February I not only quit writing, I quit building my coaching business too. I let it all go and surrendered. I let go of my "niche", my programs, projects and ideas, the many creative ideas I was attached to, but struggled to launch out into the world.
I let go of all the ways I thought I needed to show up for others.
Giving what had defined me for so long was terrifying, but I did it anyway. I thought I would feel lost and without purpose, but instead I felt free.
No longer defined by anything ---not my title, my profession, my writing, my creations, my expectations --- I was limitless and free to explore my true self, the one unbridled by expectation.
I fell into a remembrance of my Essence which I discovered was expansive, unafraid, adventurous, loving and desired communion with life.
I meditated on the vision board I had created at the beginning of the year and instead of plotting, planning and acting to get things done, I allowed it's energy to infuse me with possibility.
Possibility with no attachments to how or why or when I might become or achieve these things.
Then miracle after miracle unfolded...
In April, I went on a woman's retreat and there I was invited to write a chapter in a new collaborative book project called, The New Feminine Evolutionary. I was more than thrilled.

One of the images on the vision board I painted last January was "Your Book Here" with a circle on the number one spot on of the New York Times Bestsellers book review.

But even more amazing, I had put these words on my board... "You Don't Have To Do It Alone" and surrounded it with a "circle of sisterhood" that included some of my mentors and coaches.
Next week our book, The New Feminine Evolutionary, featuring some of these mentors and other amazing women will be released.
And through the miracle of intention, surrender, and tapping into my Essence,I am included among these women who are heralding in the birth of The New Feminine Evolutionary (See the photo below of this "circle of sisterhood"!)

I couldn't have planned this.

I couldn't have strategized this.

I couldn't have done this alone.

On today's full moon I'm celebrating not only the birth of this incredible project...a book inspiring women to claim their power and make evolutionary leaps in a world so desperately in need of change.

I'm celebrating the power of intention, of letting go, of receiving ourselves in the truth of who we really are.  
I'm celebrating the power of women to manifest life...the ability to birth our children, our projects, and a new world.
I'm celebrating you and the unique and magical gifts you have that are making a difference in the world, that are waiting to be born, that we are longing to receive.
I'm celebrating claiming our power, love and wisdom --- our Feminine Fire --and lighting the world on fire with love.

One thing I know now to be true...dreams can come true, sister.

What dreams are waiting to be born through you?