It's hard to believe that we are in the final quarter of the year.
As we shift into a new season, I call on my inner Wise Woman/Sage to help me "harvest" the gifts (and the lessons learned from the challenges) so that I fully RECEIVE the abundance in my life.
This practice of reflection is so powerful--whether you do it annually, monthly (or moonly!) or daily--because it's in the pause that wisdom is received.
So to welcome you into this season of harvest, I offer these "Sage" questions for your contemplation:
What lessons have I learned through this year?
What amazing experiences, learnings or events have I received so far?
What is still left for me to harvest this year...and most importantly, do I still choose to focus my energy on this?
And finally, what "bounty" have I harvested that I wish to share with others?
With harvests come community---after all, harvesting a field of grapes is not something you'd want to do alone!
So as you continue through the ending of the year, note how you can share some of what you've harvested with others!
This month I'm delighted to share one of my most precious harvests of the year...a Shift Network event called the Empaths, Sensitives, and Intuitives Summit.
This is so special to me because not only do I absolutely LOVE the topic, but because I've been invited to speak as an expert alongside many amazing speakers I admire...
…including Dr. Judith Orloff, Dr. Karen Kan, Dave Markowitz, Julie Bjelland, Dr. Natasha Fallahi, Melanie Smith, Wendy DeRosa, Michael Smith, and many more.
But even more than that, The Shift Network helped me find my calling in life and led me to my path as a Divine Feminine Leadership Mentor, Intuitive Oracle and Spiritpreneur!
Over 10 years ago, I attended one of their free events and later enrolled in one of their courses.
Just that simple click of a button opened doorways to possibilities I could have never imagined...including being a speaker on The Shift Network myself!

I'm honored to be a part of the Empaths, Sensitives, and Intuitives Summit and to share this harvest with you.
- So if you've ever wondered if you’re an HSP, empath, or intuitive,
- Or found yourself attuned to the emotions and energy (both positive and negative) of others,
- Or feel energy that’s not your own, and then feel overwhelmed, stressed, or depleted
Then I especially invite you to join this inspiring gathering of revolutionary empathy experts, luminaries, doctors, and teachers who will help you experience more freedom, increased energy, a greater sense of self, and resilience against outside energetic forces…
Throughout the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit, you’ll become part of a worldwide community of empaths, intuitives, and HSPs who also want to stand in their own power and wisdom while learning to establish firm energetic boundaries and trust their intuition.
You’ll discover a unique set of science-backed tools to master your gifts of sensitivity — turning them into your superpowers. In fact, my interview is called, Reclaim Your Superpowers of Empathy, Sensitivity and Intuition With The Magic of the Moon!
If you’re ready to turn your empathic gifts into your greatest strength…
Join us for this free online event taking place October 17-21, 2022.
Over To You...
Do you feel you are an Empath, Senstive or Intuitive person? What are the challenges and what are the gifts?