If you've been wanting to bring positive change and transformation to your life, tap into the energy of today's new moon in Virgo!
Virgo's element is earth and today there is an array of personal planets like Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Sun and the Moon all in this sign of Virgo...such a rare occurrence!
These personal planets effect us more strongly, and being in Virgo...the sign of details, getting things done, bringing ideas down to the practical, earthy plane...we are divinely supported.
It's an exciting, magical time!
So with all this support...
is there anything still holding you back?
The other day I found a piece of paper with the idea of creating an archetypal quiz based on the moon cycles and feminine archetypes...
...from 2 years ago!
This summer I finally released this quiz....so what held me back?
Half-heartedness and lack of Commitment.
I had the idea.
It lit me up and excited me.
I knew it would benefit others.
And yet, it sat like a lost file in the recesses of my mind for 2 years.
It all changed this year when, on the Spring Equinox, I finally made the Commitment to release it.
The result?
- I doubled the size of my reach and tribe.
- I created a free gift I can give to anyone, anywhere and on podcasts and summits.
- I created 4 Archetypal Embodiment Kits for those that want to go deeper and embody their archetypes.
- I created 4 cosmic audios to help women activate their archetypes during the 4 quarter moon phases.
- I created a new mini course called "3 Keys to Embodiment" to share my passion about accessing archetypal energy to be more fully alive.
- I deepened my own awareness of the power of archetypes and the moon to help us honor our feminine rhythm and cycles.
- I anchored in my own sense of commitment to fulfilling my purpose in the world.
- I touched the lives of hundreds of women who now have a greater awareness of their birthright to both expand and contract, to show up in the world more powerfully, and to make time for sacred rest.
The Power Of Commitment & The Gene Keys
I first became aware of the power of Commitment thru reading the work of Richard Rudd, author of the phenomenal book and program, The Gene Keys.
According to him, we all have a unique energetic blueprint called a "hologenetic profile".
This profile has 3 sequences...the Activation (Genius), Venus (Love) and Pearl (Prosperity) sequence and each sequence contains specific spheres that relates to your personal journey of transformation.
For example the Genius/Activation sequence helps you to unlock your Life's Work, Evolution, Radiance and Purpose spheres.
How cool is that? ;-)

And each sphere also has 3 qualities that relate to the frequency you might embody...the Shadow (lowest frequency) that moves to the Siddhi (highest frequency) along the path of the Gift.
What's amazing is that when you know your Shadow (your low vibe frequency), you can make a conscious choice to raise it to your Siddhi (highest frequency) by activating your Gift!
That's what happened for me. The sphere that unlocks my prosperity, called the Pearl, is Gene Key 29...with the Shadow/Gift/Siddhi of...Half Heartedness/ Commitment/ Devotion.
For 2 years, I "half-heartedly" thought about creating a quiz and it wasn't until I consciously choose to step out of Half Heartedness and into Commitment, that my Prosperity opened and I received amazing results.
Results I could never have anticipated.

And that's the beauty of Commitment as it leads to the Siddhi of Devotion.
When we commit without expectation, but with a full, open heart, then life can meet us with surprising results.
Just like a mother making the decision to have a child...we do so in full Commitment to that precious being, without expectation.
We don't know what kind of child we will receive, but we commit anyway.
We "dance in the mystery" of life with an open heart of devotion.

So if anything is holding you back on this amazing Virgo moon, it might be time to ask yourself...
...Am I truly committed to making my dream come true?
From The Gene Keys, I learned...
...The way you begin anything is everything.
If you begin something with Half-heartedness, you seed it with disappointment, doubt, and struggle.
If you begin something with Commitment and Devotion, you seed potential, luck and success.
Sister, what is it that you desire to bring forward in the world?
And how committed are you to making that dream a reality?
This new moon is the perfect time to make a Commitment to yourself, to your dreams and to your legacy.
My commitment, on this potent Virgo new moon, is to be even more of a stand for women to RISE into their power so that we can light the world up with love.
The old models of pushing and forcing our way forward aren't working anymore. They are exhausting and debilitating.
Instead we need to embrace our pain and shadows and find the gifts in them.
Only then can we RISE.
Not through efforting,
Not thru working harder...
Only through letting go, being fully supported, loving ourselves completely...in our gifts and shadows.
Then we can RISE like a beautiful lotus held lovingly and deeply rooted in the mud.
Then we can RISE and heal our hearts, our families and our world.
If you feel the call to RISE, here are 3 resources to support you in your desire and commitment:
- The Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile: If old habits and limiting beliefs are holding you back, dare to dive deeply into your own shadow work and raise them to the light with the Gene Keys. Get your hologenetic profile here to discover your shadows, gifts and siddhis.
- The Feminine Fire Sisterhood on Facebook: Raise your shadows to the light and join us by the fire for inspiration and our supportive sisterhood.
- The RISE VIP Coaching Program: If you need more personal support, contact me about my new RISE VIP Coaching Program. Together we'll create a sacred partnership to transform your pain into your passion by using the sacred technology of personal alchemy, divine feminine coaching and archetypes, intuition development and guidance, and exploring your Gene Keys profile. By honoring your shadow, rather than denying and resisting what keeps you stuck, you'll be able to RISE to your gifts, purpose and legacy and move forward with your heart's desires, like...
Crafting your sacred business,
Building a happier marriage,
Created a connected and intentional family,
Honoring your sacred body temple
Finally writing that book
Discovering and taking action on your life's work and purpose
The sky's the limit when you choose to RISE.
To find out more, apply for a "Ready to Rise" session here.
Wishing you a wonderful beginning as you commit to your dreams today,
Over to you...
How has half-heartedness held you back from creating the life you desire? What would it take for you step forward with a full, open heart?