Lately I've been asking myself...
"What's my next big adventure?"
With the start of the new astrological year, I'm finally emerging from pandemic-inspired hibernation and the Covid blues...and I'm grateful for the Aries fire that is igniting my spirit once again.
How about you ? Are you ready for your next big adventure?
At the Aries new moon, I was suddenly inspired to create a new offering to help us all dream big. It's called Vision Map and it's being offered live on the auspicious day of the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces on Tuesday, April 12th.
This is a once in a lifetime event since the last time this happened was 166 years ago! This is an incredibly powerful time to DREAM BIG!

VISION MAP is something I'm offering the Cosmic Creatrixes in my 6-month program, The Cosmic Creatrix Journey, to help them discover their next mythic adventure...and I've decided to open up some spots for my larger community too.
If you are intuitively drawn to find out more,register for Vision Map HERE.

There is special pricing for this live event - Just $33- - a 62% savings off the regular price of $88). If you cannot attend live, the video and all the introductory and preparation information will be stored in the Online Portal.
May you be inspired to dream big and claim your Mythic Dream and be the hero of your next adventure this new astrological year!
Over To You...
So, what's your next big adventure? Share in the comments below...