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Consciously Choose What Fuels You To Keep Your Feminine Fire Blazing

Inspired by the Woman's March of 2017

January 27, 2017

Last week during the Women's March, millions of people all over the world, marched in solidarity for human rights, women's rights, care of the planet and so much more. Each step was a resounding call to wake up and take a stand for what we hold most dear.

I marched alongside my daughter, friends and family and felt empowered by the energy of the crowd.
But just a few days later, after watching too much news and too many negative comments on Facebook, I felt so disheartened and depressed.
I vacillated between feeling "powerful" and feeling "powerless". The chaos of the world outside was wearing me down. I had forgotten that true power comes from within.

Feminine power comes from being in alignment with our "feminine fire", that triple flame of power, love and wisdom at the center of our hearts.

Women all over the world are waking up to their power because so much of what we value is at stake. We want to do something and make a difference.

But how do we keep this passion burning without burning out? How do we keep our own inner fire alive when there's so much negativity in the world?
The first step to making a fire: Finding the right fuel
Think about a real fire..what do you need to get it started and keep it burning? The right kind of fuel.
We carefully build a fire with quality wood...the slow burning logs and the quicker burning tinder and kindling to start the flame.
To keep our feminine fire burning so we have the energy to reach our dreams, we have to do the same thing. We need to consciously build the right kind of structures, systems and practices into our life to keep our inner fire burning.
And what we choose as fuel matters.

Beware of the damp wood

If your energy toward reaching goals, making a difference or even getting up in the morning is drained, take a look at the damp wood in your life. A piece of damp wood added to a fire will not burn, but instead smoke out and smell up your environment. The damp wood in your life does the same thing to your energy.
To discover your damp wood, notice what's draining your body, mind and spirit of energy? What are you tolerating that needs to be released?

lack of sleep
lack of exercise
poor food choices
messy environment
sneaky damp wood like sugar and caffeine
negative behaviors you tolerate in yourself and others
not expressing your needs
too much TV or Facebook
being over responsible
rushing around to check off your to-do list
not staying in integrity with your own promises to yourself
not making pleasure a priority
no down time
feelings of not being good enough

Sound familiar? If so, commit to letting go of one or two pieces of damp wood this moon cycle. Make an action plan to get it done and ask a friend or coach to help you be accountable.

Finding your power through pleasure

Now that you've gotten rid of the damp wood, concentrate on adding quality fuel to your feminine fire.
First, identify the positive things that fuel your energy. What gives you pleasure and brings you joy? Power aligned with joy is true power and can never be taken from you.

taking the dog for a walk
being in nature
going out with friends
jumping on a trampoline
listening to music
taking a bath with essential oils
creating something new
eating healthy, delicious food
getting bodywork like massage or acupuncture
taking a class and learning something new
taking action on something your stand for
playing with your kids
keeping a Moon Journal to set intentions and practice celebrating
each moon cycle (your questions, as always, are below!)

Then, create your own "Pleasure, Power and Play" list and commit to adding these activities into your daily activities. Better yet, schedule them on your calendar!

Even though the world around us may seem crazy, you can always tap back into your power and light up your feminine fire. Just remember YOU are the leader and creator of your life and YOU GET TO CHOOSE what you allow in. Take the time to consciously add fuel to your fire and connect to the power, love and wisdom inside.
This new moon is a great time to let go of whatever you've been tolerating, set a new intention to be the leader of your life and consciously choose to fuel your feminine fire.
Your turn:
What pieces of damp wood are you committed to letting go of this cycle?
What's one thing you want to add to your "Pleasure, Power and Play" list?