This year's full moon fell on the first day of the year. For many of us, this is an exciting time...a chance to begin again, to leave what hasn't been working far behind.
Many of us "resolve" to do it differently and make this year "the best year yet".
For years I did that, but within just a few weeks, that internal "resolve" would "dissolve".
Setting resolutions turned out the be a sure fire way to start my year off with failure.
2 years ago I wrote about this and decided to do something listen within and follow my Essence rather than my Ego.
So if you're feeling the pressure to live up to "resolutions" that will most likely fail, I invite you to learn 3 steps to connecting to essence and read my blog, "How to Ask Your Essence For Guidance".
Allowing my Essence to be my guide has helped me start the new year in a new way...a feminine way.
Instead of feeling the pressure to create resolutions by January 1st, I use the whole month of January to "receive" the signs, symbols, synchronicity and seeds of the year to come.
This was especially true for me in 2017. After a series of trials and challenges at the beginning of the year, I fully devoted the rest of the year to letting go of what I was attached to and inviting in Divine guidance to help me find my way.
And to my surprise, this had amazing, unimaginable results such as:
- becoming a co-author of an revolutionary book on authentic feminine power, The New Feminine Evolutionary;
- taking a 40-day bucket list trip across the US in an RV/camper van/car exploring sacred spaces with my family;
- up-leveling my coaching business and brand while starting a new blog and business, The Extraordinary Family Adventure, with my husband;
- creating The Family Values Checklist, a free guide create more love, connection and happiness in families, and the MOST important thing we've done in our family to keep us in alignment with our family mission.
- writing and recording my first song, "I Am SHE" and publishing it on Sound Cloud:
- participating in 2 amazing divine feminine retreats in California and Hawaii;
- visiting a live volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii;
- healing an old wound in my marriage and celebrating our sacred partnership daily with gratitude;
- creating The Fire Lotus Moon Map as a wisdom tool for yearly and monthly planning, intention setting and celebrations;
- offering Women's Full Moon Circles in Jacksonville, Florida (more to come in 2018!)
- creating a sacred space for women to set intentions and share celebrations in The Feminine Fire Sisterhood Circle;
- and claiming time for myself (without guilt!) while empowering our children to become independent and leaving me enough time and energy to celebrate their many personal and academic successes this year.
It's still amazing to me that all this happened within a year...and especially because I didn't set SMART goals or create action plans.

What I did instead?
I surrendered. I let go. I listened. I followed the inner voice of my Essence.
AND I was deeply held within the sacred space of sisterhood...a circle of sisters who saw my Essence, even when I did not.
If you feel called to deepen your connection to your Essence and let that be your guide this year, I invite you to explore the New Year Offerings I've created: The Feminine Fire Oracle Reading and the Winter Solstice Guide and Moon Map. (For a video tutorial on how to use the guide, join us at the Feminine Fire Sisterhood Circle.)
As we begin this new year, may you nurture your connection to your own higher self, your Essence, and be guided into unimaginable, amazing opportunities and magical moments!