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Ignite Your

Feminine FIRE

March 23, 2016

Ah, this shift from winter to spring is hitting me like a roller coaster. One day I'm up...confident, peaceful, integrated...the next I'm down...lost, disheveled, and overwhelmed. When I'm down, everything seems harder and colder. I feel like I'm, actually I feel frozen.

It is as though I am sitting by a fire in a cozy cave and don't want to leave its comfort and security.
However, the truth is spring is here and it is time to come's time to bloom. And so, I've been using my own Feminine FIRE practices and the "triple flame" to help me transition, step into spring and bloom.
The image of the triple flame of "POWER, LOVE and WISDOM" is the heart of my Feminine FIRE program and of my coaching practice. When you are not connected to this triple flame, you may feel lost, burdened, depleted, unsure, unloved and unseen. When difficulties arise or transitions occur in life, you may feel feel, numb or frozen.
The great news?
Your Feminine FIRE lives within you and needs only "attention and intention" to spark the flame within. Though it may feel like your pilot light has gone out, it never has. It just needs you to spark the flame and tend the fire.
In order to ignite your own feminine fire, first assess which aspect of the triple flame...power, love or wisdom... is most in need of your attention. Use the reflection questions below to help you.
The Triple Flame
Power means a lot of things, from your "qi" or life force to your ability to be and do what you desire.

  • How much energy do you have to get things done?
  • Are you using mostly push-push masculine energy or do you also use feminine energy of attraction, support and collaboration?
  • Where do you source your power...from within or from others?
  • How much support do you receive and allow in?  Do you feel you have do do most things alone?

Love is at the center of our flame. When we have love in our lives, we feel open, allowing, peaceful and trusting. When we don't, feelings of separation, judgement and anxiety creep up.

  • How do you express love?  To yourself?  To others? 
  • What types of self-love practices do you have, if any?
  • Do you know how to share love with your family and partner in the way it will most be received?
  • Are your relationships with others mutually fulfilling?
  • Do you have a spiritual connection that gives you the feeling of unconditional love?

Wisdom comes from our experience and when our flame of wisdom is ignited, we are able to see everything from the perspective of love. When something unfortunate happens in our lives, we can use this empowering question and ask "Why did this happen FOR me?" rather than the victimizing question "Why did this happen TO me?" Wisdom too, is the seed of our legacy. After we are gone, it is our wisdom passed down to our family, friends and tribe that lives on.

  • Where do I source my wisdom...internally or externally?
  • Am I in touch with my own intuition?
  • Do I always need to "know" the answer or am I willing to dance in the unknown and let wisdom arise?
  • Can I feel the difference between "heart knowing" and what my mind is telling me?
  • Is my life out of tune with the nner wisdom I am receiving through synchronicity, dreams or just direct "gut" knowing?

What pops up for you? Which flame is in most need of your attention?

For me, I can see that I need to give "power" more attention and I can do this through more rest, healthier eating, letting go of things that do not really matter, and connecting to my Essence and spirit everyday. Where once I felt depleted, I can now see where I need to focus, and I'm actually excited and energized to do so!
Through the process of igniting our Feminine FIRE and tending that fire regularly we are able to keep power, love and wisdom burning bright in our lives. This is the key to creating the life, love and legacy you desire.
The time has never been better for women around the world to rise up and create a legacy for future generations. So this spring, what action will you take to help you bloom and ignite your own Feminine FIRE?