Today is Mother's Day in the US, and I awoke to my family holding trays of food and flowers as they sang and did a choreographed dance while I giggled in bed!
As I walked out of the bedroom, I found the poster in the photo above hanging on the fireplace...my family knows me so well! :)
It was such a sweet gift from them, an act of nurturing and nourishing, a gift of "mothering" me...and I loved it!
In today's world we don't have many opportunities to be the receiver of the gift of mothering. And whether we have children or not, we are all mother someone or something with our love as we strive to birth a world that is filled with compassion, love, and possibility.
So today I celebrate the gift of "mothering"...
and I have a gift for you too!
It's my "Love Like A Mother" playlist on Spotify. This playlist cooresponds to the first phase of the moon (the new moon to the 1st quarter moon) and is an invitation to start the beginning of the moon phase with nourishment.
May you be nurtured and nourished by these songs today and throughout the month, anytime you need to
Love Like A Mother
To receive this gift, just opt-in to my "I Am SHE" Fire Starter Kit and you'll find the new added bonus there.
If you've already opted-in, just re-opt-in so you'll be sure to receive the new email educational series on "3 Secrets To Personal Evolution and Transformation".
And be sure to join us in The Feminine Fire Sisterhood this month for "Music Monday's" in May. Each week, I'll be releasing a new feminine archetypal playlist to help you activate that energy
in alignment with the moon.
Our next playlist will be released in the FB group tomorrow on 5/13.
"Reign Like A Queen" is for this next moon phase, from the 1st quarter moon to the full moon, so get ready for music that helps you align with your own feminine power and sovereignty and releases any threads of unworthiness so that you can live this week, like a Queen!
To get your playlist just...
Raise your feminine vibration and ignite your fire through sight and sound! Using the tools of
mantra, yantra and mudra, this free gift will help you activate your inner fire, claim your power as a Creatrix, align with the rhythm and archetypes of the moon and discover your soul song! Download HERE.
Over to you...
How are you celebrating the gift of mothering today?