I can hardly believe that summer is almost here in the United States. I love this time of year because the kids are home from school and the days feel longer...and lazier.
With less structure to our days, everything feels more spacious. There's an opportunity for deeper connection and presence. A chance to do less and be more. Here's selfie of my first day at the beach, soaking in the sweetness of sun, fun and friendship while sipping my favorite frozen drink!

The light of summer invites us to get out of the house and out of our heads; to get out of our minds and into our bodies.
Much like the bright light of the full moon, this is a time to feel, connect to others and to celebrate the magic of life.
This is a time to share your magic with others.
As you celebrate the shift in seasons,
what magic is starting to bubble up within?
So often I talk with women who have forgotten their own magic, their own passion and pleasure...all in pursuit of meeting the needs and values of some external voice.
A voice that never belonged to them, but has shaped the structure of their life with limiting beliefs such as:
I'm not enough
I don't have what it takes
I don't belong
I'm not lovable
I'm not worthy
I'm not ready
I'm not perfect
These limitations build walls that become real. Dreams aren't pursued. Lives aren't lived to the fullest.
Are there dreams you haven't pursued because of "perceived or prescribed" limitations?
If so, then I invite you to look to the moon for a new model of manifestation. The ebbing and flowing phases of the moon offer a chance to get out of overwhelm and judgement by simply aligning our energy to this new cadence that balances being and doing.
And it all starts (again!) today...each new moon is a new beginning.
With this fresh start, what will you choose to believe about yourself and your gifts?
What intentions will you set and seed for this next
28-day moon cycle?
Open yourself up to magic and allow your own beliefs to shape and structure your world.
With this moon in Gemini and it's ruler in Mercury...consciously choosing to heed YOUR voice and YOUR wisdom is the key to being able to bring your magic forth this cycle.
To get started, sign up for my newsletter and get journal prompts to help you clear the space and set your intentions. Then allow the support of the moon and the season to help you magically manifest with the moon!
You can also check out a free resource from The Shift Network called "Transform Your Emotions Through Vocal Medicine" to help empower your voice and your inner wisdom.
And be on the look out for my special announcement later this month...something that is very dear to my heart and is sure to help you let go of limiting beliefs while empowering you to live the life you've always desired!
May this new moon guide you to "Share Your Magic"!
Over to you...
How will you "share your magic" with others this moon cycle?