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You Are Enough

August 3, 2016

Last week's Democratic National Convention made history.

Whatever your political persuasion, there is something to celebrate knowing that for the first time in US History, a woman has a 50% chance of holding the highest office.  

I’m grateful to live to see this and thrilled that my "almost 13" year old daughter is entering her own womanhood knowing that she too can aspire to dream the biggest dreams.

As a Feminine Empowerment Coach, I finished the convention on a high about the possibilities for women in our world.

And yet, I was overly emotional and discovered sad, shadowy tears leaking out of my eyes?

As I allowed these emotions to come up, I heard that familiar, critical and comparative voice say, “Look at what other women are doing in the world. You are not doing enough, Aurora."

Tears of sadness, judgement and comparison poured out of my eyes all while celebrating the joy of growing women's empowerment …my critical voice chanting like protestors off-stage, “No matter what, you are not enough.”

Have you ever thought you weren't enough?

I know I am not alone in this carrying the wound. As women, the belief “I am not enough” is pervasive and when unchallenged, it shows up in over-giving, shrinking from our talents and ultimately, not sharing our true essence with the world.

Instead of being feminine leaders that move forward in inspired action toward the world we want to create, we become unappreciated martyrs, lonely wallflowers, or exhausted, pseudo-saviors.

This voice sometimes called the Inner Critic or the Saboteur, has the important job of protecting the ego. By saying “You are not enough”, this voice keeps us small, safe and status quo.

I often help women find the precious wisdom just underneath this critical voice and this creates an opportunity to transform a tired, deceptive belief into a dynamic, transformational one.

Challenging a false belief empower us to flip an old, dull mindset like a coin, and show it's bright, unexposed side.

To do this, I ask the first of 4 questions from Byron Katie’s wonderful 4-step process called “The Work” (check out her website for more details)...“Is it True?”

The Four Questions

1. Is it true? (Yes or no. If no, move to 3.)

2. Can you absolutely know that it’s true? (Yes or no.)

3. How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?

4. Who would you be without the thought?

We rarely ask ourselves, “Is it true?”, but instead stay spinning in what question #3 reveals.

When we choose to react and believe an idea like, “I am not enough", then we stay stuck, play small, and continue to draw in circumstances and opportunities to prove this to be true.

But when we ask, “Who would I be without the thought…I am not enough?”, a whole new world of possibility opens up.

We are able to open our minds and hearts to all the ways we could be enough, how we could actually be more than enough, and how just that thought alone could radically impact our world and those around us.

Suddenly the coin flips over and we see the bright, shining face of a belief born of love rather than fear:

“You are enough, no matter what.”

You are...
brave enough,
smart enough,
wise enough,
kind enough,
talented enough,
strong enough,

powerful enough,
fill-in-the-blank enough

What's found on the other side of the ego's protective lie of "not enoughness" is your soul essence truth that you are enough and nothing can diminish this. No matter what.

No matter...
what someone else thinks,
how many times you've tried and failed,
how different you are from others,
how hard it is right now,
what happened in the past
what you fear in the future
what other's have told you or what you've told yourself

You are enough. No. Matter. What.

Can you feel the expansiveness of this truth?
When we align to this truth, there is no room for “not enoughness”. And most importantly, when we align to the truth of being enough, we can move forward in inspired action.

During this new moon in Leo, I invite you to access your own inner lioness and explore all the ways you are enough.

  • Roar this out as you write in your journal.  
  • Share this with a friend or sister circle and be witnessed as the powerful woman and feminine leader that you ALREADY are.
  • Look at someone you compare yourself to and list out that you admire about her.  Look at those qualities and know that they are seeds already inside you waiting to bloom.

From this full cup of I AM ENOUGH, ask yourself "What's the next inspired action that will help me better align with my dreams, passions or projects."

Answering this question helped me break free from shame and inaction and instead step forward to write about this core wound that stands in the way of so many women achieving their dreams and desires.
Now more than ever, we need feminine leaders like you and the your gifts of compassion, tolerance, and collaboration to heal our world. Whether it be creating loving relationships at home, growing successful businesses or careers that make a difference, or building community in your hometown, you are enough to activate the change you want to see in the world.
And remember...

You are enough, no matter what.